Primary mirror Ø (cm)Diameter of the primary mirror
Number of reflection
Fraction of Obstruction
Plate Scale (arcsec/pixel)
Readout Noise (e-)Readout noise in electrons
Latitude (DD)Latitude of the telescope in Decimal Degrees (negative if Nord)
Longitude (DD)Longitude of the telescope in Decimal Degrees (negative if West)
Mirror Reflectivity:
Instrument Efficiency:
Detector Efficiency:
Air Mass
Target:Coordinates of the target
Sky Brightness:
Band selectVUBRIJHKKsLL*
Mag System selectVegaABST
Atmospheric Absorption:Select kind of
Observation Band:Select filter or Band of Observation
Neutral Density filter Neutral Density filter [0-1]
Total Exposure Time (sec) The total integration time
Number of ExposureNumber of exposures in which the observation is executed
Aperture Ø (arcsec)Size (diameter) of the circular aperture to compute the SNR
PSF:Input the PSF of the simulation. It could be a 1D radial profile, a 2D image or a more complex set (data cube) of 2D images depending on the FoV position. (See link for more info)
seeing function selectGaussMoffat
FWHM (arcsec)
Encircled Energy:Input the PSF of the simulation. It could be a 1D radial profile, a 2D image or a more complex set (data cube) of 2D images depending on the FoV position. (See link for more info)
Encircled Energy
PSF map:The input PSF could be uniform in the whole FoV or distorted depending on the position in the FoV. (See details here )
XCFoV (arcsec)
YCFoV (arcsec)
RedshiftThe redshift of the target
SED:The spectral energy distribution of the target
Spectral index
Band UBVRIJHKKsLL*u'g'r'i'z'
@ e-mail address
X size Number of x pixels in the simulated image
Y size Number of y pixels in the simulated image
Gain Gain of the detector
FPN Fixed pattern noise
Dark Total counts of dark during total exposure time
Rad min
Saturation Level Saturation of counts per pixels
Threshold Set the level of the signal wrt the noise to produce the simulation (0.05 means 5%)
System Coordinates The value of the first pixel (0 or 1)
Spline Deg
Number of used PSF (for 3D PSF function)
Convolution Set the accuracy of the convolution (higher accuracy -> longer execution time) selectundersampledstandardoversampledsupersampledno
PSF Filter
Add Noise Check box to add the noise
Subtract Background
Object Template Files
Function Template Files
Input Configuration Show the list of input parameters
Outputs (Fluxes, S/N, kMag) Show the list of output parameters
Sensitivity Graphs(λ) Show graph of: target spectrum, filter transmission, total throughput
S/N vs Exptime Show a plot of magnitude limits (at various levels of S/N) as a function of the total exposure time
Saturated pixel map Show the saturated pixel map